The ground-breaking SP range of abrasive foam pads from Safe Products were developed for the professional bodyshop and industrial applications. Each pad can be used for a multitude of applications, by hand or with an orbital sander, wet or dry. High performance, versatile and fast they are unlike anything seen on the market before and produce amazing results.
The SP Blending Pad is a unique, multi-purpose abrasive foam blending pad that abrades new panels, denibs base coats, abrades prior to clear coat applications leaving no visible scratch patterns, sands e-coat, replaces P1000-P800 grit for blending panels and can tackle all blending.
The SP Blending Pad also replaces non-woven abrasives. It lasts four times longer than proprietary brands and can save users at least 25% production time.
Use by hand or with orbital sanders. Leaves no visible scratch patterns. No need to buy multiple discs. Long lasting.
78mm dia X 12mm. 20 discs per box.
Also available in 150mm size and as a Hand Block.
Download: SP Abrasive Foam Pads